
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Where in the World is Mrs. Brooks?

Whoa... I have been out of the blogging zone for a long time!  I didn't exactly make a New Year's resolution to get better at it because I knew that things were about to get crazy in January, so I am making a February resolution.  There's so much I've been wanting to share with neat things going on in our classroom (including the live "organisms" currently spending time in our room for science!).  I've taken plenty of pictures  and have lots of stories.  I also had a really dumb A-HA moment. I'll get to that too.

But for right now, I feel like a HUGE weight has been lifted from my shoulders because I just got done with report cards and helping my 6th grade daughter with her science fair project (that story will come!) and my first grade daughter with a school project and my family is all involved in a musical right now, plus a million other things that have kept me from blogging (I'm looking at YOU, COOKIE BOOTHS!).  I know that you all have the same time constraints and manage to do it all... I don't know how! But it'll be fun to share all that stuff with you as well!

I also want to share with you some wonderful ideas and products that I have been using from other teachers because I have gotten a wealth of amazing and adorable and incredibly helpful things from others recently.  Can I tell you how constantly amazed I am by the fact that no matter how much pressure is put on us to be competitive, teachers are instead just naturally wonderful and all want each other to succeed?  Sigh.  Of happiness.  You guys rock.  All of you.

Alright, right now, we are having a very fancy celebratory dinner at Taco Bell (lol) for Handsome Hubby and Tootsie Roll (my older daughter)'s lead roles in Shrek the Musical!  See you SOON!
Curly Jones and I playing Tic Tac Taco Bell while they get our order ready.
Always a good way to pass the time!

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